18 Foods You Must Eat in Argentina

by shortgirlontour

Argentina is well known for its stunning scenery and nature but I did not think I would also fall in love with its food! From tender steaks to caramel filled cookies, Argentina is a food lovers dream! This post covers 18 foods you must eat in Argentina.



Argentina is famous worldwide for it’s juicy and tender steak! In fact, the world’s number 1 steakhouse is in Buenos Aires! I had the fortune of visiting it when I visited but reservations are hard to come by and I tried for many months in advance. Don’t worry if you don’t make it there! There are SO many amazing steakhouses all over the country! When searching for steakhouses, you may hear or read the words parilla or asado. Parilla is the grill used to cook the meat and asado means to grill. Asado can be used to described both the cooking technique and the event itself (it’s similar to the word barbeque that can be a cooking technique or an event). I do not usually eat steak but I could not go to Argentina and not have its number one must eat food!

2. Pasta

There is a lot of Italian influence in Argentina given that Italian immigrants hopped over to the country between 1850s and the 1950s. They also brought their pasta when they came over and you will find some amazing pasta restaurants all over the country but especially in Buenos Aires.

3. Patagonian Lamb

If you are in Patagonia, you must eat the lamb! There is something about Patagonian lamb that is out of this world good! And this is coming from someone who is not a huge meat lover. The lamb is so tender that you can cut it with a spoon. If you don’t like eating chunks of meat, you can also try it in pasta dishes or in stews.

4. Trout

Trout is another Patagonia must eat. The rivers and streams in Patagonia are so pure and clean that there is an abundance of trout in them.

5. King Crab

If you go to Ushuaia or to Fin del Mundo, you must try the king crab which is a local specialty! I did not get to try it as I didn’t go that further south but I can’t wait to try it when I do go in a couple of years!

6. Chimichurri and Salsa Crioll

Chimichurri is the perfect accompaniment for steak or choripan. It’s made up of a blend of spices, olive oil and vinegar. Salsa Criolla on the other hand is made of diced onions, tomatoes, bell pepper combined with vinegar. You will see both of these in steakhouses.

7. Provoleta

A cheese lovers dream! Provoleta is provolone cheese that is melted over the grill. It is a popular appetizer at steakhouses.


8. Empanadas

If you are a regular on my blog, you know I LOVE empanadas! These meat, vegetable or cheese filled turn overs are the best snack out there! Lots of countries around the world have their version of an empanada or a turnover but I found the Argentinian ones especially delicious! The bubbly and crispy pastry with the warm filling inside are an Argentinian staple and a must eat food when in Argentina.

9. Choripan

Choripan is the Argentinian version of a hot dog, but it’s an elevated and (IMO) much more delicious version.

10. Medialunas

These are essentially local croissants and are much loved by Argentinians. They are rich in flavor and a lot buttery than the French counterpart.


11. Calafate

Calafate berries are a Patagonian classic. They look just like blueberries but taste a little different. Legend has it that anyone who eats the sour-sweet calafate berry will find themselves transported back to Patagonia’s rugged landscapes in the near future. You can find calafate berries raw, in gelato, sauces/compotes or as a filling inside cookies.

12. Gelato

Of course we all know gelato is one of Italy’s (many) gifts to mankind and luckily for folks living in and visiting Argentina, the Italians brought gelato over with them.

If you have a chance, try the calafate berry gelato, which adds a local twist to an Italian classic.

13. Dulce de Leche

Caramel is one of the most popular and must have foods in Argentina. You will find it inside desserts or sold in bottles. Locals like to use it as a spread.

14. Flan

Flan is a part of Latin American cuisine but Argentinian flan is a little different in that it is served with dulce de leche! It is simply divine.

15. Alfajores

I would be shocked if you visited Argentina and never saw or ate an Alfajores. These are 2 soft cookies, sandwiched with a filling and dipped in chocolate. The chocolate dipping can be milk, dark or white and the filling is traditionally dulce de leche. In Patagonia, you can get calafate filled Alfajores which are also delicious and a great hiking snack. This is a food you must eat alfajores when in Argentina or bring them home to enjoy later!

16. Pancakes

Argentinian pancakes are called panqueques and are thin like a crepe. The best way to eat them is filled with dulce de leche!


17. Malbec

Okay, so Malbec is not a food per se but consider it the liquid equivalent of steak. Meaning that you cannot come to Argentina and not try Malbec. While you can get Malbec anywhere in Argentina, the province of Mendoza is where you will find the best Malbec! If you love wine, then definitely consider adding Mendoza to your itinerary! I wrote a useful blog post that you can access HERE.

18. Yerba Mate

Truthfully, I didn’t try this because I don’t drink tea but it is really popular in Argentina and saw people drink it all the time. Yerba mate is a herbal tea that is drunk from a cup called a mate. It is very rich is caffeine which explains why I saw so many tour guides drink it ! They probably needed the energy to deal with all the tourists! Ha!

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Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting! Believe it or not this blog is not my full time job! I work 8-5 in Supply Chain and run this blog after work!  I’ve dreamed of traveling the world since I was a child and at 48 countries and counting, I am so grateful to get to live that dream.

To say travel is my passion is truly an understatement! What I love most about travel is that I get to connect with locals and meet with fellow travelers from around the world. In addition, travel also enables all my other interests like photography, architecture, art, music and food! Please feel free to share any posts or leave me feedback on how I can improve. Thank you and happy travels!


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