Winter Packing List – What to Pack for a Winter Trip

by shortgirlontour

I love winter! Ok, so maybe not the kind where you get 12 feet of snow but, I’ll take a nice moderate winter over a hot, sweltering and humid summer, any day! Some people generally keep away from cold destinations in the winter time, but I’ve been to lots of destinations the last few years during the winter months and have found it to be a magical time to travel. This is especially true during Christmas. One year, I spent 15 days in Spain and Portugal during Christmas time. In 2021, I visited Christmas markets in Vienna right before the holiday and another year I spent some time in December in Canada and New York. The most important thing about enjoying a winter destination is to pack correctly for it. This post covers what to pack for a winter trip.

What to Pack for a Winter Trip


What type of jacket you pack really depends on where you are going and what activities you will be doing. As a rule of thumb, I usually pack a knee length jacket and a short jacket for any type of outdoor activity like hiking. What type of knee length and short jacket depends on how severe winter is at your destination. I usually pack a long and short puffer jacket for temperatures that can be below zero. If temperatures are above zero, I usually pack a peacoat for a long jacket and a fleece for a short jacket

What to Pack for a Winter Trip
Peacoats are my go to if the temperature is above zero!


I pack a few thick and light sweaters so I have options depending on the day.

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash


Items like flannel shirts, camisoles and long sleeve t-shirts make for great laying.

Leggings or Jeans

My legs are never cold and can usually get away with only wearing leggings. I prefer leggings to jeans because they take up less space than jeans. But if you feel cold in your legs, then definitely pack jeans and fleece lined leggings.


A set or two of flannel pajamas should keep you warm all night!

Beanie or Headband

Having your head covered during winter makes a huge difference in your body temperature. I used to hate wearing beanies but I’ve learned to like them over the years. I sometimes opt for a thick headband instead of a beanie, especially for an outdoor activity.

What to Pack for a Winter Trip


Scarves are the MVPs of winter time travel pictures! Here’s why! If I wear my black pea coat everyday, then all my pictures are going to end up the same everyday. Enter a colorful scarf (which generally does not take up a lot of space) and you essentially have a new outfit every day!

What to Pack for a Winter Trip


My hands get cold in the winter, so I always pack a pair of gloves with me.


I always pack a pair of tall boots that are relatively flat and use them to both walk around during the day or to go out for dinner at night. What I love most about tall boots is that you can wear them any time of day and dress them up or down depending on what clothes you wear.

Wool socks

I love to wear long fuzzy socks inside my boots. I sometimes double up and they help with all the walking on the trip.


Goes without saying….but just in case 😉


Don’t forgot the lotion and lip balm!


The winter sun can be harsh sometimes.

Non-clothing items

I have a full list of non-clothing travel essentials that I refer to myself whenever I’m going on a trip. You can check it out HERE or below!

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What to Pack for a Winter Trip

Check out all my other packing lists HERE or below!

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Welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting! Believe it or not this blog is not my full time job! I work 8-5 in Supply Chain and run this blog after work!  I’ve dreamed of traveling the world since I was a child and at 48 countries and counting, I am so grateful to get to live that dream.

To say travel is my passion is truly an understatement! What I love most about travel is that I get to connect with locals and meet with fellow travelers from around the world. In addition, travel also enables all my other interests like photography, architecture, art, music and food! Please feel free to share any posts or leave me feedback on how I can improve. Thank you and happy travels!


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